This is a temporary method that you can manually use
each time you want to use apt-get through a http-proxy. This method is
useful if you only want to temporarily use a http-proxy.
Enter this line in the terminal prior to using apt-get (substitute your details for yourproxyaddress and proxyport).
export http_proxy=http://yourproxyaddress:proxyport
Option 2:
Type in Terminal
gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf
(root authentication is required)
Now type this two lines in the text file:
Acquire: :http:: Proxy "http:// username: password@ proxyaddress:port";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "ftp://username: password@ proxyproxyaddre ss:port";
Acquire::ftp::Proxy "ftp://username:
Save and Done!
Try this in terminal now,
sudo apt-get update
You will see your ubuntu getting updated!